Let the light in


Oil and acrylic on canvas

80*60 cm

She was a victim of violence. In all its forms.
But she only became strong after admitting her weakness. Until she admitted to herself that she was a victim, did not feel sorry for herself, did not hug, did not throw off the feeling of guilt and the fact that she was somehow wrong, bad, broken, she could not let the light in and heal. Move forward and build her life the way she wants, and most importantly – the way she deserves.

The past is just the past. You can push on and let go of it. But there is no butterfly without a cocoon. Having built a cocoon out of self-pity, you can’t escape it. And if someone offers help transforming pity into self-love, accept that help! 

All the artworks featured on this website are protected by copyright. If you wish to use any of the digital images of my artworks, please reach out to me beforehand. Thank you.
